Cold smoking is a type of cooking that allows you to get delicious dishes with a long shelf life. There are several ways to assemble a structure of this type. The simplest options involve the use of available tools. A cold smoked smokehouse with your own hands requires a preliminary drawing and study of the assembly steps.

Do-it-yourself cold smoked smokehouse: delicious dishes at home

Arrangement of your own cold smoked smokehouse will allow you to cook delicious meals at home

Features of a cold smoked smokehouse and its advantages

In hot smokehouses, meat and fish products are heat-treated. The average temperature is around 100 ˚C. Food that has undergone such processing has a short shelf life, which most often does not exceed a week.

In a cold smoked smokehouse, products are cooked at a low temperature under the influence of smoke

In a cold smoked smokehouse, products are cooked at a low temperature under the influence of smoke

Helpful information! In cold appliances, products are processed with smoke. The temperature in this case does not exceed 50 ˚C. And the lower figure at which such smoking can be carried out is only 30 ˚C.

It takes quite a long time for meat and fish to be completely saturated with smoke. Therefore, the duration of cooking food in smokehouses cold type can reach several days.

It is important to remember that cold smoking at home requires compliance with some rules. First of all, pre-marinating of the food plays an important role. And also it is worth monitoring the temperature and intensity of the smoke emitted during smoldering chips.

Smoke on food must be free of carbon monoxide. In order to obtain such smoke, a special chimney is present in the design of the cold smokehouse. It must be of sufficient length. Passing through such a tube, the harmful substances contained in the smoke settle on its walls. As a result, purified smoke enters the chamber, which penetrates into meat and fish products and promotes their preparation.

The smokehouse consists of a firebox, a chimney and a product storage chamber

The smokehouse consists of a firebox, a chimney and a product storage chamber

The principle of operation of a cold smoked smokehouse for meat and fish

The smoking of food is due to smoldering wood chips. The design features of cold smoking devices facilitate this process. The principle of operation of such units is that inside them, various products are processed with smoke. The average temperature is 40 ˚C. If necessary, you can buy a cold smoked smokehouse. To save money, you can assemble it yourself at home.

The harmful substances contained in the smoke precipitate, so the finished products have a delicate, refined taste and aroma. The elimination of carcinogens occurs due to the appearance of condensate on the walls of the chimney connecting them. It occurs due to a decrease in air temperature when smoke moves through the pipe.

In the case of using a stationary smokehouse for cold smoking, it becomes possible to regulate the smoke. All that is needed for this is to release harmful smoke from the combustion chamber. Such an operation must necessarily take place before the provisions are placed in the smoking tank. The smoke is released until it acquires the properties necessary for smoking products.

The smoking process must take place in a tightly closed chamber

The smoking process must take place in a tightly closed chamber

It should be noted that the chamber in which cold processing of meat and fish takes place must have a lid. This element is required to trap smoke. The device of this part must be thought out at the preliminary stage and its features should be indicated in the scheme of a cold smoked smokehouse.

Helpful information! Instead of classic lids, you can use improvised means. For example, moistened burlap, which is thrown over the top of the smoking chamber, is very popular with home craftsmen. When using it, do not forget that it dries out over time. Therefore, every two hours it is necessary to moisten the burlap.

Do-it-yourself cold-smoked smokehouse: structural elements

All cold-type devices have a similar structure. Accordingly, the set of structural elements of these aggregates is also the same. Smokers consist of the following parts:

  • metal chamber;
  • covers;
  • reflective partition;
  • furnaces;
  • chimney;
  • roofs;
  • chimney;
  • knee.
Cold smoked smokehouse device

Cold smoked smokehouse device

The main element of a home cold smoked smokehouse is a chamber. In it, products are processed with light smoke. And also an important component is the firebox, in which the combustion of fuel (chips) occurs. In cold-type devices, these elements are interconnected by means of a chimney. It should be long enough for the smoke to cool down before entering the smoking chamber.

The tube that joins the firebox must have a fairly large diameter. The best option is an element with a cross section of 30 cm. This part goes to the product tank. It is also worth noting that the firebox of a cold smokehouse with your own hands must have another tube, which is located vertically. Its main function is to remove excess smoke outside the combustion chamber. Thanks to this design, uniform processing of meat and fish products is achieved.

When assembling a homemade cold smoked smokehouse, special attention should be paid to the draft inside the structure. It is due to it that the smoke moves from the firebox to the food chamber. If it was decided to equip such a structure in the ground, then a slope is needed to achieve the required thrust indicator. However, this method is now used quite rarely. This is due to the fact that on the market you can easily purchase a smoke exhauster - a device that will artificially pump up draft inside the smokehouse.

Providing internal draft is a very important stage in setting up a smokehouse

Providing internal draft is a very important stage in setting up a smokehouse

What are cold-type smokehouses: varieties

Devices in which long-term processing of products with smoke takes place are divided into several groups depending on the source of heating. This indicator is very important, as it determines the purpose of the unit. On this basis, constructions are distinguished:

  • ordinary;
  • electrical.

Chips smoldering in conventional devices occurs due to an open source of fire. In turn, cold-smoked electric smokehouses have special heating elements and operate from the network.

Note! It is important to remember that electrical units can be small in size, which greatly increases their mobility. Therefore, if desired, they can be used in apartments.

The advantage of an electric smokehouse is that it can be installed in any accessible place where it is possible to connect to the network

The advantage of an electric smokehouse is that it can be installed in any accessible place where it is possible to connect to the network

Another indicator by which all cold devices are differentiated is versatility. Self-made units, made by hand, are used to smoke any products. In turn, purchased smokehouses can be:

  • universal;
  • specialized.

The latter are used for smoking a certain type of product. Purchased universal devices are more common. In their chambers, you can smoke not only meat and fish products, but also vegetables, as well as mushrooms and cheese.

It is much more difficult to assemble a cold mini-smokehouse with your own hands than a hot one. This is due to the processing characteristics of products requiring a long pipe. The length of the chimney in such devices should be at least 10 m.

If you wish, you can make a traveling type smokehouse. This design is disposable and is used by hunters, fishermen, as well as people who went on a hike. To perform such a device, it is recommended to study the corresponding videos. Do-it-yourself cold-smoked smokehouse in soil is a simple and reliable way to get delicious dishes in field conditions.

If you do not want to make a smokehouse yourself, you can buy a ready-made design

If you do not want to make a smokehouse yourself, you can buy a ready-made design

The best place for such a smokehouse is a gentle bank. In its upper part it is necessary to equip a smoking chamber, and at the bottom to dig a furnace. They must be interconnected by a trench, which serves as a chimney.

Smokehouse for meat and fish - what you need to know when choosing a fuel?

The process of cooking food, which involves the use of smoke, has its own subtleties. A very important point is the temperature inside the smokehouse. If it is not controlled, then meat, fish and other dishes can simply deteriorate.

An equally important factor is the selection of fuel. Wood chips used for cold smoking with their own hands can be made from different types of trees and, accordingly, differ in their characteristics. Depending on what fuel is used for a given operation, the taste of the finished products differs.

Despite the fact that wood can be different, the same requirements are put forward for it. The main thing is that the chips must be dry. The presence of moisture will prevent it from smoldering properly. Chips are located at the bottom of the firebox. Experts do not recommend scattering it all over the bottom. The best option is to build a slide.

Each wood species has its own special aroma

Each wood species has its own special aroma

The most common tree species from which wood chips are made for smoking:

  • cherry;
  • oak;
  • maple;
  • alder.

In some cases, other types of trees can be used for cold smoking at home of fish and meat. For example, many people note the exquisite taste of dishes that were cooked in the smoke of apple and pear chips.

Note! Experienced chefs recommend smoking products in cold appliances during the winter. During this period, the ambient temperature prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria inside the food.

It is very important to remember that wood containing resin is categorically unsuitable for smoking. Coniferous trees (spruce, pine, etc.) have this characteristic. If you neglect this rule, then the food cooked in the smokehouse will be very bitter. To improve the taste, you can use one trick - add aromatic herbs used in cooking on top of smoldering sawdust.

A stationary smokehouse is a very simple device that allows you to cook very tasty dishes

A stationary smokehouse is a very simple device that allows you to cook very tasty dishes

Do-it-yourself cold-smoked smokehouse: camera options

Devices that function according to the cold principle must have a camera. Provisions are laid out or hung in this tank. The camera can be made both according to the drawing, using metal sheets, or from improvised means. In the second case, people's imagination is not limited by anything. Such improvised means are most often transformed into smoking chambers:

  • barrel;
  • fridge.

Barrel. The capacity of such a container should not be less than 100 liters. The best option for smoking at home is to use containers with a volume of 200 liters. There are two options for the location of such a barrel: vertical and horizontal. In the first case, it is imperative to mount the legs at the bottom of the tank.

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Fridge. The transformation of this household appliance into a smokehouse has some advantages. The refrigerator compartment itself is sealed, so no additional measures are required to prevent the penetration of air from the outside. In addition, this option is very easy to use.

A large barrel is often used to build a homemade smokehouse.

A large barrel is often used to build a homemade smokehouse.

Do-it-yourself cold smoking smokehouse can be assembled from metal. Due to the fact that the temperature inside such a smokehouse does not rise above 50 ° C, it becomes possible to install a tank made of wood. However, in this case, it is necessary to sheathe the places located in the immediate vicinity of the chimney with metal strips. This will maximize the safety of the structure from fire.

The most time-consuming version of the smoking chamber involves its assembly from brick material. However, such designs are the most effective and have a long service life, which can reach several tens of years. And also such smokehouses look the most attractive, organically fit into the landscape of the site.

To save money and time, experts recommend performing cold smoked smokehouses from a barrel. This is a classic version of transforming unnecessary containers into a device that allows you to get gourmet dishes.

In some cases, a smokehouse can be built from improvised means.

In some cases, a smokehouse can be built from improvised means.

How to make a cold smoked smokehouse: making a firebox

The most budgetary way to organize a firebox is to dig a pit in the ground. It is necessary to place the fuel for smoking in it. When burning wood or wood chips, it is recommended to regulate the amount of smoke.

A homemade stove is made from brick material, stainless or galvanized steel, or pipes. When using bricks, you must be sure of their fire resistance, otherwise they may burst from the heat.

Note! Educational videos will help you answer the question of how to make a cold smoked smokehouse with your own hands.

A metal firebox assembled from stainless steel is the simplest option. It is not so difficult to make it, it is enough just to purchase the necessary material and follow the instructions. The chimney can be made of either metal or brick.In the second case, it is better to place it underground. This will ensure the required tightness.

A brick smokehouse is a reliable structure that will last a long time

A brick smokehouse is a reliable structure that will last a long time

The chimney should go directly under the smoking chamber. The speed with which the smoke will move depends on its section. And also its length and shape play an important role. The fuel combustion chamber can be purchased at the store. As a rule, you can find there compact models intended for hiking trips. Cold-type portable smokehouses are less common than their hot counterparts.

The benefits of cold smoking are obvious. The product in this design is processed at a low temperature, so it retains its fat layer. Cold aggregates are easier to care for as they are not as prone to contamination as hot counterparts.

Assembling a cold smoked smokehouse at home: chimney design

The quality of smoking depends on the correct calculation of the chimney. Therefore, it is recommended to approach the assembly of this structure with all seriousness. The tube must not only be long enough, but also airtight. Otherwise, smoke leaks await you.

If the tube is long, it will be necessary to ensure its stability. For this, props are used, which are located in the central part of the chimney. It is best to make such holders from brick material. In order to understand the principles of how to make a smokehouse at home, it is recommended to study the photos that clearly illustrate the stages of assembling this structure.

The smoke pipe must go directly into the chamber

The smoke pipe must go directly into the chamber

When using wooden supports, you will need to insulate them in those places that have direct contact with the pipe. If necessary, you can shorten the pipe, which will increase the smoking temperature to 60 ° C. As a result, the type of smoking will be semi-hot.

For a better understanding of the process, it is recommended to pay attention to the installation photos. Do-it-yourself cold smoked smokehouse has a simple and understandable design, but you still need to be careful when assembling it. Sealing a chimney in a stationary structure is quite simple. To do this, you need to prepare a flange, which in the future should be welded to the bottom.

Note! To enhance the sealing, special sealing gaskets are used, which are made of paronite.

How to make a cold smoked smokehouse: a do-it-yourself smoke generator

The use of this device allows you to provide the necessary traction inside the smoking unit. In this case, the thrust is artificially injected (as opposed to marching structures). Smoke generator ensures uninterrupted flow of smoke required for the cold smoking process into the chamber.

Scheme of operation of the main types of smoke generators for a smokehouse

Scheme of operation of the main types of smoke generators for a smokehouse

Experts recommend thinking over its design at the stage of drawing up a drawing. Do-it-yourself cold smoked smokehouse equipped with a smoke generator does not require constant monitoring. The device provides the necessary traction and maintains it at the required level.

The device of such a device is not very complicated. Therefore, you can make it yourself at home. To assemble the smoke generator, you will need to prepare a metal can. The working reservoir of the device is made from available tools (for example, a cardboard box). Thus, making a smokehouse with a smoke generator is not difficult. Consider the sequence of steps in the manufacture of this device.

How to build a smokehouse with a smoke generator? First of all, you need to take a can and cut a hole in it. It is required to attach the required element - a fitting with a double-sided thread. A compressor is attached to one side.In this case, the device used in aquariums will do. It can be easily purchased on the market or online. A smoke outlet is connected to the second side of the fitting.

To kindle the smokehouse, pour wood chips into the smoke generator and leave it to smolder inside

To kindle the smokehouse, pour wood chips into the smoke generator and leave it to smolder inside

The next step is to cut a window in the can (on the side). It is necessary to access the sawdust, which will be located at the bottom of the container. The outlet pipe is fixed to the smoking chamber, after which it remains only to set fire to the sawdust and turn on the compressor.

Cold smoking fish, meat and other products: preparation

Before starting cold smoking, it is necessary to prepare products for this process. Not only taste depends on it, but also the quality of the food that will be smoked.

Preparation includes two stages:

  • pickling;
  • soaking.

In order to properly prepare a salt solution, you must follow the instructions. It is not difficult to make the marinade correctly. First of all, you need to take salt and pour it into a container filled with water. Then the mineral is stirred until it is completely dissolved in the liquid. This marinade is suitable for cold smoking chicken, beef, pork and fish.

Food must be marinated in spicy brine before smoking.

Food must be marinated in spicy brine before smoking.

Note! When preparing such a solution, it is very important to observe the following proportions: 40 g of salt per 1 liter of water.

Spices such as bay leaves, black pepper (peas), etc. can be added to this marinade. After its preparation, you can start marinating the product. It is important to remember that the salting time depends on the volume of the product and its variety. For example, a small fish should sit in this solution for about 3 days.

Large fish and pork are left in a salted marinade for 4 days before being sent to the smokehouse. Cold smoking of fish also requires temperature control. And beef, which has denser fibers, must be marinated for at least 5 days.

After marinating the product, soak it in water. The duration of this process ranges from 6 to 24 hours. Then excess moisture is removed from the product. To do this, wipe it with paper towels and wither. At the next stage, you can start smoking the food.

Our own cold-smoked smokehouse allows you to cook dishes amazing in their taste

Our own cold-smoked smokehouse allows you to cook dishes amazing in their taste

Cold smoking lard has some peculiarities. This product does not need to be marinated. The preliminary stage in the preparation of bacon is salting it. In this case, the procedure does not differ from the usual salting. The bacon is covered with salt and sent to the refrigerator or cellar for about 2 weeks. Subsequently, it will be necessary to rinse it under running water and place it in the smokehouse. The duration of smoking lard is about 8 hours. It is very important that the temperature inside the chamber does not exceed 40 ° C.

Cold smoking allows you to get delicious, delicious meat and fish products. The device that allows you to do this has a fairly simple design. When assembling a cold smokehouse on your own, you need to be guided by the drawings, study photo and video materials on this topic.